On occasions I enjoy solving mysteries. Below I share thee of these.
How Egyptians could
move blocks of stone for Pyramids
A famous Egyptologist was grappling with the question of how the ancient Egyptians could construct their Pyramids so quickly, considering that millions of large stone blocks were used, transported some distance to the building site; then elevated to substantial height, before being positioned in place.
His conclusion was that the Egyptians dragged ten ton stone blocks on wooden sleds up embankments made of compacted rubble and dirt, using water to lubricate the wooden runners of the sleds.
Knowing that such technique would not have taken them very far - if you doubt me,
try it for yourself here is a disclosure of how Egyptians could move large, heavy stone blocks with some ease and speed; doing this day after without killing themselves on the first day.
See the solution
Erecting an Egyptian Obelisk
How did the ancient Egyptians go about erecting their obelisks, cut from one block of stone and weighing hundreds of tons?
A lady Egyptologist made a documentary on trying to do just that but failing to erect even a small scale obelisk. She had her team try pulleys and lever but to no avail.
Her small scale version is still in the Egyptian desert, laying on its side.
Actually, it's quite simple. See for yourself.
Shroud of Turin
A number of years ago, the National Geographic ran a big article on the efforts by eminent scientists to determine if the 'Shroud', as proposed, was used to wrap the body of Jesus Christ, after his crucifixion, and somehow had retained some form of x-ray that was emitted by his body, leaving an image on the fabric of the 'Shroud'.
While I have not seen the actual 'Shroud', just by examining its photographs in the magazine, and having an ability to reason, was sufficient to determine that the 'Shroud' is a fake.
See the proof.
*** Nothing new for the moment.